-- init if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end if not syn or not protectgui then getgenv().protectgui = function() end end local SilentAimSettings = { Enabled = false, ClassName = "aİMBOT", ToggleKey = "RightAlt", ClassName = "Esp" TeamCheck = false, VisibleCheck = false, TargetPart = "HumanoidRootPart", SilentAimMethod = "Raycast", FOVRadius = 130, FOVVisible = false, ShowSilentAimTarget = false, MouseHitPrediction = false, MouseHitPredictionAmount = 0.165, HitChance = 100 } -- variables getgenv().SilentAimSettings = Settings local MainFileName = "UniversalSilentAim" local SelectedFile, FileToSave = "", "" local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local GetChildren = game.GetChildren local GetPlayers = Players.GetPlayers local WorldToScreen = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint local WorldToViewportPoint = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint local GetPartsObscuringTarget = Camera.GetPartsObscuringTarget local FindFirstChild = game.FindFirstChild local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped local GuiInset = GuiService.GetGuiInset local GetMouseLocation = UserInputService.GetMouseLocation local resume = coroutine.resume local create = coroutine.create local ValidTargetParts = {"Head", "HumanoidRootPart"} local PredictionAmount = 0.1100 local mouse_box = Drawing.new("Square") mouse_box.Visible = true mouse_box.ZIndex = 999 mouse_box.Color = Color3.fromRGB(54, 57, 241) mouse_box.Thickness = 20 mouse_box.Size = Vector2.new(20, 20) mouse_box.Filled = true local fov_circle = Drawing.new("Circle") fov_circle.Thickness = 1 fov_circle.NumSides = 100 fov_circle.Radius = 360 fov_circle.Filled = false fov_circle.Visible = false fov_circle.ZIndex = 999 fov_circle.Transparency = 1 fov_circle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(54, 57, 241) local ExpectedArguments = { FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList = { ArgCountRequired = 3, Args = { "Instance", "Ray", "table", "boolean", "boolean" } }, FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist = { ArgCountRequired = 3, Args = { "Instance", "Ray", "table", "boolean" } }, FindPartOnRay = { ArgCountRequired = 2, Args = { "Instance", "Ray", "Instance", "boolean", "boolean" } }, Raycast = { ArgCountRequired = 3, Args = { "Instance", "Vector3", "Vector3", "RaycastParams" } } } function CalculateChance(Percentage) -- // Floor the percentage Percentage = math.floor(Percentage) -- // Get the chance local chance = math.floor(Random.new().NextNumber(Random.new(), 0, 1) * 100) / 100 -- // Return return chance <= Percentage / 100 end --[[file handling]] do if not isfolder(MainFileName) then makefolder(MainFileName); end if not isfolder(string.format("%s/%s", MainFileName, tostring(game.PlaceId))) then makefolder(string.format("%s/%s", MainFileName, tostring(game.PlaceId))) end end local Files = listfiles(string.format("%s/%s", "UniversalSilentAim", tostring(game.PlaceId))) -- functions local function GetFiles() -- credits to the linoria lib for this function, listfiles returns the files full path and its annoying local out = {} for i = 1, #Files do local file = Files[i] if file:sub(-4) == '.lua' then -- i hate this but it has to be done ... local pos = file:find('.lua', 1, true) local start = pos local char = file:sub(pos, pos) while char ~= '/' and char ~= '\\' and char ~= '' do pos = pos - 1 char = file:sub(pos, pos) end if char == '/' or char == '\\' then table.insert(out, file:sub(pos + 1, start - 1)) end end end return out end local function UpdateFile(FileName) assert(FileName or FileName == "string", "oopsies"); writefile(string.format("%s/%s/%s.lua", MainFileName, tostring(game.PlaceId), FileName), HttpService:JSONEncode(SilentAimSettings)) end local function LoadFile(FileName) assert(FileName or FileName == "string", "oopsies"); local File = string.format("%s/%s/%s.lua", MainFileName, tostring(game.PlaceId), FileName) local ConfigData = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(File)) for Index, Value in next, ConfigData do SilentAimSettings[Index] = Value end end local function getPositionOnScreen(Vector) local Vec3, OnScreen = WorldToScreen(Camera, Vector) return Vector2.new(Vec3.X, Vec3.Y), OnScreen end local function ValidateArguments(Args, RayMethod) local Matches = 0 if #Args < RayMethod.ArgCountRequired then return false end for Pos, Argument in next, Args do if typeof(Argument) == RayMethod.Args[Pos] then Matches = Matches + 1 end end return Matches >= RayMethod.ArgCountRequired end local function getDirection(Origin, Position) return (Position - Origin).Unit * 1000 end local function getMousePosition() return GetMouseLocation(UserInputService) end local function IsPlayerVisible(Player) local PlayerCharacter = Player.Character local LocalPlayerCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character if not (PlayerCharacter or LocalPlayerCharacter) then return end local PlayerRoot = FindFirstChild(PlayerCharacter, Options.TargetPart.Value) or FindFirstChild(PlayerCharacter, "HumanoidRootPart") if not PlayerRoot then return end local CastPoints, IgnoreList = {PlayerRoot.Position, LocalPlayerCharacter, PlayerCharacter}, {LocalPlayerCharacter, PlayerCharacter} local ObscuringObjects = #GetPartsObscuringTarget(Camera, CastPoints, IgnoreList) return ((ObscuringObjects == 0 and true) or (ObscuringObjects > 0 and false)) end local function getClosestPlayer() if not Options.TargetPart.Value then return end local Closest local DistanceToMouse for _, Player in next, GetPlayers(Players) do if Player == LocalPlayer then continue end if Toggles.TeamCheck.Value and Player.Team == LocalPlayer.Team then continue end local Character = Player.Character if not Character then continue end if Toggles.VisibleCheck.Value and not IsPlayerVisible(Player) then continue end local HumanoidRootPart = FindFirstChild(Character, "HumanoidRootPart") local Humanoid = FindFirstChild(Character, "Humanoid") if not HumanoidRootPart or not Humanoid or Humanoid and Humanoid.Health <= 0 then continue end local ScreenPosition, OnScreen = getPositionOnScreen(HumanoidRootPart.Position) if not OnScreen then continue end local Distance = (getMousePosition() - ScreenPosition).Magnitude if Distance <= (DistanceToMouse or Options.Radius.Value or 2000) then Closest = ((Options.TargetPart.Value == "Random" and Character[ValidTargetParts[math.random(1, #ValidTargetParts)]]) or Character[Options.TargetPart.Value]) DistanceToMouse = Distance end end return Closest end -- ui creating & handling local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa/Libraries/main/UI's/Linoria/Source.lua"))() Library:SetWatermark("FenLion Reborn") local Window = Library:CreateWindow("Fenlion, by wanzty#7331 FontRai#9469") local GeneralTab = Window:AddTab("General") local GeneralTab = Window:AddTab("ESP") local MainBOX = GeneralTab:AddLeftTabbox("Main") do local MainBOX = GeneralTab:AddLeftTabbox("esp") do local Main = MainBOX:AddTab("Main") local Main = MainBOX:AddTab("Esp") Main:AddToggle("aim_Enabled", {Text = "Enabled"}):AddKeyPicker("aim_Enabled_KeyPicker", {Default = "RightAlt", SyncToggleState = true, Mode = "Toggle", Text = "Enabled", NoUI = false}); Options.aim_Enabled_KeyPicker:OnClick(function() SilentAimSettings.Enabled = not SilentAimSettings.Enabled Toggles.aim_Enabled.Value = SilentAimSettings.Enabled Toggles.aim_Enabled:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.Enabled) mouse_box.Visible = SilentAimSettings.Enabled end) Main:AddToggle("TeamCheck", {Text = "Team Check", Default = SilentAimSettings.TeamCheck}):OnChanged(function() SilentAimSettings.TeamCheck = Toggles.TeamCheck.Value end) Main:AddToggle("VisibleCheck", {Text = "Visible Check", Default = SilentAimSettings.VisibleCheck}):OnChanged(function() SilentAimSettings.VisibleCheck = Toggles.VisibleCheck.Value end) Main:AddDropdown("TargetPart", {Text = "Target Part", Default = SilentAimSettings.TargetPart, Values = {"Head", "HumanoidRootPart", "Random"}}):OnChanged(function() SilentAimSettings.TargetPart = Options.TargetPart.Value end) Main:AddDropdown("Method", {Text = "Silent Aim Method", Default = SilentAimSettings.SilentAimMethod, Values = { "Raycast","FindPartOnRay", "FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist", "FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList", "Mouse.Hit/Target" }}):OnChanged(function() SilentAimSettings.SilentAimMethod = Options.Method.Value end) Main:AddSlider('HitChance', { Text = 'Hit chance', Default = 100, Min = 0, Max = 1337, Rounding = 1, Compact = false, }) Options.HitChance:OnChanged(function() SilentAimSettings.HitChance = Options.HitChance.Value end) end local MiscellaneousBOX = GeneralTab:AddLeftTabbox("Miscellaneous") local FieldOfViewBOX = GeneralTab:AddLeftTabbox("Field Of View") do local Main = FieldOfViewBOX:AddTab("Visuals") Main:AddToggle("Visible", {Text = "Show FOV Circle"}):AddColorPicker("Color", {Default = Color3.fromRGB(54, 57, 241)}):OnChanged(function() fov_circle.Visible = Toggles.Visible.Value SilentAimSettings.FOVVisible = Toggles.Visible.Value end) Main:AddSlider("Radius", {Text = "FOV Circle Radius", Min = 0, Max = 360, Default = 130, Rounding = 0}):OnChanged(function() fov_circle.Radius = Options.Radius.Value SilentAimSettings.FOVRadius = Options.Radius.Value end) Main:AddToggle("MousePosition", {Text = "Show Silent Aim Target"}):AddColorPicker("MouseVisualizeColor", {Default = Color3.fromRGB(54, 57, 241)}):OnChanged(function() mouse_box.Visible = Toggles.MousePosition.Value SilentAimSettings.ShowSilentAimTarget = Toggles.MousePosition.Value end) local PredictionTab = MiscellaneousBOX:AddTab("Prediction") PredictionTab:AddToggle("Prediction", {Text = "Mouse.Hit/Target Prediction"}):OnChanged(function() SilentAimSettings.MouseHitPrediction = Toggles.Prediction.Value end) PredictionTab:AddSlider("Amount", {Text = "Prediction Amount", Min = 0.165, Max = 1, Default = 0.165, Rounding = 3}):OnChanged(function() PredictionAmount = Options.Amount.Value SilentAimSettings.MouseHitPredictionAmount = Options.Amount.Value end) end local CreateConfigurationBOX = GeneralTab:AddRightTabbox("Create Configuration") do local Main = CreateConfigurationBOX:AddTab("Create Configuration") Main:AddInput("CreateConfigTextBox", {Default = "", Numeric = false, Finished = false, Text = "Create Configuration to Create", Tooltip = "Creates a configuration file containing settings you can save and load", Placeholder = "File Name here"}):OnChanged(function() if Options.CreateConfigTextBox.Value and string.len(Options.CreateConfigTextBox.Value) ~= "" then FileToSave = Options.CreateConfigTextBox.Value end end) Main:AddButton("Create Configuration File", function() if FileToSave ~= "" or FileToSave ~= nil then UpdateFile(FileToSave) end end) end local SaveConfigurationBOX = GeneralTab:AddRightTabbox("Save Configuration") do local Main = SaveConfigurationBOX:AddTab("Save Configuration") Main:AddDropdown("SaveConfigurationDropdown", {Values = GetFiles(), Text = "Choose Configuration to Save"}) Main:AddButton("Save Configuration", function() if Options.SaveConfigurationDropdown.Value then UpdateFile(Options.SaveConfigurationDropdown.Value) end end) end local LoadConfigurationBOX = GeneralTab:AddRightTabbox("Load Configuration") do local Main = LoadConfigurationBOX:AddTab("Load Configuration") Main:AddDropdown("LoadConfigurationDropdown", {Values = GetFiles(), Text = "Choose Configuration to Load"}) Main:AddButton("Load Configuration", function() if table.find(GetFiles(), Options.LoadConfigurationDropdown.Value) then LoadFile(Options.LoadConfigurationDropdown.Value) Toggles.TeamCheck:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.TeamCheck) Toggles.VisibleCheck:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.VisibleCheck) Options.TargetPart:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.TargetPart) Options.Method:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.SilentAimMethod) Toggles.Visible:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.FOVVisible) Options.Radius:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.FOVRadius) Toggles.MousePosition:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.ShowSilentAimTarget) Toggles.Prediction:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.MouseHitPrediction) Options.Amount:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.MouseHitPredictionAmount) Options.HitChance:SetValue(SilentAimSettings.HitChance) end end) end resume(create(function() RenderStepped:Connect(function() if Toggles.MousePosition.Value and Toggles.aim_Enabled.Value then if getClosestPlayer() then local Root = getClosestPlayer().Parent.PrimaryPart or getClosestPlayer() local RootToViewportPoint, IsOnScreen = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, Root.Position); -- using PrimaryPart instead because if your Target Part is "Random" it will flicker the square between the Target's Head and HumanoidRootPart (its annoying) mouse_box.Visible = IsOnScreen mouse_box.Position = Vector2.new(RootToViewportPoint.X, RootToViewportPoint.Y) else mouse_box.Visible = false mouse_box.Position = Vector2.new() end end if Toggles.Visible.Value then fov_circle.Visible = Toggles.Visible.Value fov_circle.Color = Options.Color.Value fov_circle.Position = getMousePosition() end end) end)) -- hooks local oldNamecall oldNamecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newcclosure(function(...) local Method = getnamecallmethod() local Arguments = {...} local self = Arguments[1] local chance = CalculateChance(SilentAimSettings.HitChance) if Toggles.aim_Enabled.Value and self == workspace and not checkcaller() and chance == true then if Method == "FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList" and Options.Method.Value == Method then if ValidateArguments(Arguments, ExpectedArguments.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList) then local A_Ray = Arguments[2] local HitPart = getClosestPlayer() if HitPart then local Origin = A_Ray.Origin local Direction = getDirection(Origin, HitPart.Position) Arguments[2] = Ray.new(Origin, Direction) return oldNamecall(unpack(Arguments)) end end elseif Method == "FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist" and Options.Method.Value == Method then if ValidateArguments(Arguments, ExpectedArguments.FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist) then local A_Ray = Arguments[2] local HitPart = getClosestPlayer() if HitPart then local Origin = A_Ray.Origin local Direction = getDirection(Origin, HitPart.Position) Arguments[2] = Ray.new(Origin, Direction) return oldNamecall(unpack(Arguments)) end end elseif (Method == "FindPartOnRay" or Method == "findPartOnRay") and Options.Method.Value:lower() == Method:lower() then if ValidateArguments(Arguments, ExpectedArguments.FindPartOnRay) then local A_Ray = Arguments[2] local HitPart = getClosestPlayer() if HitPart then local Origin = A_Ray.Origin local Direction = getDirection(Origin, HitPart.Position) Arguments[2] = Ray.new(Origin, Direction) return oldNamecall(unpack(Arguments)) end end elseif Method == "Raycast" and Options.Method.Value == Method then if ValidateArguments(Arguments, ExpectedArguments.Raycast) then local A_Origin = Arguments[2] local HitPart = getClosestPlayer() if HitPart then Arguments[3] = getDirection(A_Origin, HitPart.Position) return oldNamecall(unpack(Arguments)) end end end end return oldNamecall(...) end)) local oldIndex = nil oldIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", newcclosure(function(self, Index) if self == Mouse and not checkcaller() and Toggles.aim_Enabled.Value and Options.Method.Value == "Mouse.Hit/Target" and getClosestPlayer() then local HitPart = getClosestPlayer() if Index == "Target" or Index == "target" then return HitPart elseif Index == "Hit" or Index == "hit" then return ((Toggles.Prediction.Value and (HitPart.CFrame + (HitPart.Velocity * PredictionAmount))) or (not Toggles.Prediction.Value and HitPart.CFrame)) elseif Index == "X" or Index == "x" then return self.X elseif Index == "Y" or Index == "y" then return self.Y elseif Index == "UnitRay" then return Ray.new(self.Origin, (self.Hit - self.Origin).Unit) end end return oldIndex(self, Index) end))