on join: set {ucabilirmi.%player%} to false if player is flying: disable flight to event-player on quit: set {ucabilirmi.%player%} to false if player is flying: disable flight to event-player variables: {ucmasure.%player%} = 0 {ucabilirmi.%player%} = 0 command /ucus [] [] []: trigger: if arg 1 is "ac": if {ucmasure.%player%} is less than 1: send "&8Uçma süren en az 1 olmalı. Sahip olduğun uçma süresi: &a%{ucmasure.%player%}%" stop if player is flying: send "&4Zaten uçuyorsun." stop if {ucmasure.%player%} is greater than 0: set {ucabilirmi.%player%} to 1 if {ucabilirmi.%player%} is 1: if player is not flying: enable flight to event-player send "&6&l%player% &9Uçuş'un aktif edildi." to player while {ucabilirmi.%player%} is greater than 0: while {ucmasure.%player%} is greater than 0: if {ucabilirmi.%player%} is 1: wait 1 second remove 1 from {ucmasure.%player%} if {ucmasure.%player%} is equal to 10: send "%player% Uçuş sürenin bitmesine 10 saniye kaldı." if {ucmasure.%player%} is less than 1: send "%player% Uçuş süren bitti." set {ucabilirmi.%player%} to 0 if {ucabilirmi.%player%} is 0: disable flight to event-player stop if arg 1 is "test": set {ucabilirmi.%player%} to 0 disable flight to event-player stop if arg 1 is "kapat": if player is not flying: send "&4Zaten uçamıyorsun." if player is flying: disable flight to event-player send "&6&l%player% &9Uçuş'un deaktif edildi." to player if arg 1 is "ekle": if args 2 is set: if args 3 is set: set {ucmasure.%arg-2%} to args 3 send "&6&l %arg-3%" if arg 1 is "goster": send player title "&6Uçuş Süresi" with subtitle "&eUçuş Süren: &a%{ucmasure.%player%}%" for 5 second