options: logo: &eSpecialTR &7» giremen: Bu alana sadece etkinlik başlayınca gidebilirsin. icemen: Etkinlik süresince iksir içemezsin. kullanaman: Etkinlik süresince bu komutu kullanamazsın. command /denemehakan: permission: hakan trigger: loop all players: if name of region at loop-player is "parkurtum" or "parkurbitis": teleport loop-player to {bitis} on skript load: wait 30 seconds execute console command "sk reload parkur" on entering of region "parkuralan1": teleport player to {konum1} on entering of region "parkuralan2": teleport player to {konum2} on entering of region "parkuralan3": teleport player to {konum3} on entering of region "parkuralan4": teleport player to {konum4} on entering of region "parkurtum": if player's flight mode is true: set player's flight mode to false on command "/warp parkureventi": if {parkurbaslangic} is false: cancel event send "{@logo} {@giremen}" set player's flight mode to false on join: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": teleport player to {bitis} on quit: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": teleport player to {bitis} on drink: if {parkurbaslangic} is true: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event send "{@logo} {@icemen}" on command "/warps parkureventi": if {parkurbaslangic} is false: cancel event send "{@logo} {@giremen}" set player's flight mode to false on command "/fly": if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event send "{@logo} {@kullanaman}" on command "/home": if {parkurbaslangic} is true: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event send "{@logo} {@kullanaman}" on command "/tpa": if {parkurbaslangic} is true: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event send "{@logo} {@kullanaman}" on command "/call": if {parkurbaslangic} is true: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event send "{@logo} {@kullanaman}" on command "/tpaccept": if {parkurbaslangic} is true: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event send "{@logo} {@kullanaman}" on right click with firework: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event on right click with ender pearl: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": cancel event command /parkurbaslat: permission: yetki.hakan trigger: wait 1 tick set {parkurödül} to 0 play "entity_generic_explode" to players at volume 100 and pitch 5 send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı:" to players send " &8▪ &75 dakika sonra başlıyor.%nl% " to players send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı:" to players send " &8▪ &730 Saniye sonra başlıyor.%nl%&8 ▪ &7/warp parkureventi%nl% " to players set {parkurbaslangic} to true send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı:" to players send " &8▪ &710 Saniye sonra başlıyor.%nl%&8 ▪ &7/warp parkureventi%nl% " to players wait 1 seconds send players title "&6&oParkur Yarışı Başladı" with subtitle "&b/warp parkureventi" for 1 seconds execute console command "/duvarkaldir" command /parkurbitir: permission: yetki.hakan trigger: apply potion of invisibility 2 to the players for 1 seconds set {parkurbaslangic} to false execute console command "/duvarkoy" wait 3 seconds send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı:" to players send " &8▪ &7Yarış sona erdi.%nl%&8 ▪ &7Her gün 18:00 - 20:00 da katılmayı unutmayın!%nl% " to players on stepping on a pressure plate: if {parkurbaslangic} is true: if "%region at player%" contains "parkurtum": add 1 to {parkurödül} if {parkurödül} is 1: teleport player to {bitis} wait 1 tick send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı Sıralaması:" to players send " &8▪ &e%player% &71. olarak tamamladı. %nl% &8▪ &71000TL Hesabına Eklendi.%nl% " to players execute console command "/eco give %player% 1000" execute console command "/hd setline parkurevent2 4 &71. &f%player%" if {parkurödül} is 2: teleport player to {bitis} wait 1 tick send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı Sıralaması:" to players send " &8▪ &e%player% &72. olarak tamamladı. %nl% &8▪ &7700TL Hesabına Eklendi.%nl% " to players execute console command "/eco give %player% 700" execute console command "/hd setline parkurevent2 5 &72. &f%player%" if {parkurödül} is 3: teleport player to {bitis} wait 1 tick send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı Sıralaması:" to players send " &8▪ &e%player% &73. olarak tamamladı. %nl% &8▪ &7500TL Hesabına Eklendi.%nl% " to players execute console command "/eco give %player% 500" execute console command "/hd setline parkurevent2 6 &73. &f%player%" if {parkurödül} is 4: teleport player to {bitis} wait 1 tick send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı Sıralaması:" to players send " &8▪ &e%player% &74. olarak tamamladı. %nl% &8▪ &7300TL Hesabına Eklendi.%nl% " to players execute console command "/eco give %player% 300" execute console command "/hd setline parkurevent2 7 &74. &f%player%" if {parkurödül} is 5: teleport player to {bitis} wait 1 tick teleport player to {bitis} send "%nl% &8▪ &f&lParkur Yarışı Sıralaması:" to players send " &8▪ &e%player% &75. olarak tamamladı. %nl% &8▪ &7200TL Hesabına Eklendi.%nl% " to players execute console command "/hd setline parkurevent2 8 &75. &f%player%" execute console command "/parkurbitir", "denemehakan" execute console command "/eco give %player% 200" command /duvarkaldir: permission: hakan trigger: delete blocks between block at {cam1} and block at {cam2} delete blocks between block at {cam3} and block at {cam4} delete blocks between block at {cam5} and block at {cam6} delete blocks between block at {cam7} and block at {cam8} delete blocks between block at {cam9} and block at {cam10} command /duvarkoy: permission: hakan trigger: set block at location at -361.545, 5, 519.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 518.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 517.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 516.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 515.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 514.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 513.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 512.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 511.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 510.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 509.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 508.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 507.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 506.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 5, 505.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 519.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 518.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 517.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 516.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 515.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 514.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 513.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 512.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 511.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 510.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 509.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 508.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 507.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 506.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 6, 505.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 519.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 518.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 517.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 516.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 515.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 514.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 513.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 512.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 511.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 510.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 509.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 508.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 507.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 506.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 7, 505.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 519.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 518.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 517.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 516.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 515.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 514.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 513.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 512.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 511.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 510.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 509.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 508.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 507.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 506.577 in world "spawn" to glass set block at location at -361.545, 8, 505.577 in world "spawn" to glass