[30/10 23:15] Efe🐉: ıf you go abroad witch country do you prefer?why? I prefer Germany because I like their cars -------------------------------------------------- if it is rainy what will you do I go out with my umbrella -------------------------------------------------- if you want to lose weight that will you do You should stay away from fast food and eat a balanced diet... -------------------------------------------------- [30/10 23:15] Efe🐉: if you have enough money how will you spend Since I love cars, I will probably renew my car. -------------------------------------------------- if you steady hard what will happen After 12 minutes, my leg will probably go numb. -------------------------------------------------- would you rather have more time then more money I would prefer money because it makes my time better -------------------------------------------------- which one do you prefer winning a lattery or living a long life?why? I would choose the lottery because it would give me a quality life -------------------------------------------------- [30/10 23:15] Efe🐉: would you rather be able to talk to animals than speak all foreign languages foreign languages because I love communicating with people -------------------------------------------------- which one do you prefer staying lane at home or going to the cinema I love cinema, of course cinema. -------------------------------------------------- would you rather make a phone call than spend a text I don't like dealing with messages, I prefer talking --------------------------------------------------