local lplr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera local worldToViewportPoint = CurrentCamera.worldToViewportPoint local HeadOff = Vector3.new(0, 0.5, 0) local LegOff = Vector3.new(0,3,0) for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local BoxOutline = Drawing.new("Square") BoxOutline.Visible = false BoxOutline.Color = Color3.new(0,0,0) BoxOutline.Thickness = 3 BoxOutline.Transparency = 1 BoxOutline.Filled = false local Box = Drawing.new("Square") Box.Visible = false Box.Color = Color3.new(1,1,1) Box.Thickness = 1 Box.Transparency = 1 Box.Filled = false local HealthBarOutline = Drawing.new("Square") HealthBarOutline.Thickness = 3 HealthBarOutline.Filled = false HealthBarOutline.Color = Color3.new(0,0,0) HealthBarOutline.Transparency = 1 HealthBarOutline.Visible = false local HealthBar = Drawing.new("Square") HealthBar.Thickness = 1 HealthBar.Filled = false HealthBar.Transparency = 1 HealthBar.Visible = false function boxesp() game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and v ~= lplr and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local Vector, onScreen = camera:worldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) local RootPart = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart local Head = v.Character.Head local RootPosition, RootVis = worldToViewportPoint(CurrentCamera, RootPart.Position) local HeadPosition = worldToViewportPoint(CurrentCamera, Head.Position + HeadOff) local LegPosition = worldToViewportPoint(CurrentCamera, RootPart.Position - LegOff) if onScreen then BoxOutline.Size = Vector2.new(1000 / RootPosition.Z, HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) BoxOutline.Position = Vector2.new(RootPosition.X - BoxOutline.Size.X / 2, RootPosition.Y - BoxOutline.Size.Y / 2) BoxOutline.Visible = true Box.Size = Vector2.new(1000 / RootPosition.Z, HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) Box.Position = Vector2.new(RootPosition.X - Box.Size.X / 2, RootPosition.Y - Box.Size.Y / 2) Box.Visible = true HealthBarOutline.Size = Vector2.new(2, HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) HealthBarOutline.Position = BoxOutline.Position - Vector2.new(6,0) HealthBarOutline.Visible = true HealthBar.Size = Vector2.new(2, (HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) / (game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["MaxHealth"].Value / math.clamp(game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["Health"].Value, 0, game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS:WaitForChild("MaxHealth").Value))) HealthBar.Position = Vector2.new(Box.Position.X - 6, Box.Position.Y + (1 / HealthBar.Size.Y)) HealthBar.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255 - 255 / (game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["MaxHealth"].Value / game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["Health"].Value), 255 / (game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["MaxHealth"].Value / game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["Health"].Value), 0) HealthBar.Visible = true if v.TeamColor == lplr.TeamColor then --- Our Team BoxOutline.Visible = false Box.Visible = false HealthBarOutline.Visible = false HealthBar.Visible = false else ---Enemy Team BoxOutline.Visible = true Box.Visible = true HealthBarOutline.Visible = true HealthBar.Visible = true end else BoxOutline.Visible = false Box.Visible = false HealthBarOutline.Visible = false HealthBar.Visible = false end else BoxOutline.Visible = false Box.Visible = false HealthBarOutline.Visible = false HealthBar.Visible = false end end) end coroutine.wrap(boxesp)() end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(v) local BoxOutline = Drawing.new("Square") BoxOutline.Visible = false BoxOutline.Color = Color3.new(0,0,0) BoxOutline.Thickness = 3 BoxOutline.Transparency = 1 BoxOutline.Filled = false local Box = Drawing.new("Square") Box.Visible = false Box.Color = Color3.new(1,1,1) Box.Thickness = 1 Box.Transparency = 1 Box.Filled = false local HealthBarOutline = Drawing.new("Square") HealthBarOutline.Thickness = 3 HealthBarOutline.Filled = false HealthBarOutline.Color = Color3.new(0,0,0) HealthBarOutline.Transparency = 1 HealthBarOutline.Visible = false local HealthBar = Drawing.new("Square") HealthBar.Thickness = 1 HealthBar.Filled = false HealthBar.Transparency = 1 HealthBar.Visible = false function boxesp() game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and v ~= lplr and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local Vector, onScreen = camera:worldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) local RootPart = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart local Head = v.Character.Head local RootPosition, RootVis = worldToViewportPoint(CurrentCamera, RootPart.Position) local HeadPosition = worldToViewportPoint(CurrentCamera, Head.Position + HeadOff) local LegPosition = worldToViewportPoint(CurrentCamera, RootPart.Position - LegOff) if onScreen then BoxOutline.Size = Vector2.new(1000 / RootPosition.Z, HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) BoxOutline.Position = Vector2.new(RootPosition.X - BoxOutline.Size.X / 2, RootPosition.Y - BoxOutline.Size.Y / 2) BoxOutline.Visible = true Box.Size = Vector2.new(1000 / RootPosition.Z, HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) Box.Position = Vector2.new(RootPosition.X - Box.Size.X / 2, RootPosition.Y - Box.Size.Y / 2) Box.Visible = true HealthBarOutline.Size = Vector2.new(2, HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) HealthBarOutline.Position = BoxOutline.Position - Vector2.new(6,0) HealthBarOutline.Visible = true HealthBar.Size = Vector2.new(2, (HeadPosition.Y - LegPosition.Y) / (game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["MaxHealth"].Value / math.clamp(game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["Health"].Value, 0, game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS:WaitForChild("MaxHealth").Value))) HealthBar.Position = Vector2.new(Box.Position.X - 6, Box.Position.Y + (1/HealthBar.Size.Y)) HealthBar.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255 - 255 / (game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["MaxHealth"].Value / game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["Health"].Value), 255 / (game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["MaxHealth"].Value / game:GetService("Players")[v.Character.Name].NRPBS["Health"].Value), 0) HealthBar.Visible = true if v.TeamColor == lplr.TeamColor then --- Our Team BoxOutline.Visible = false Box.Visible = false HealthBarOutline.Visible = false HealthBar.Visible = false else ---Enemy Team BoxOutline.Visible = true Box.Visible = true HealthBarOutline.Visible = true HealthBar.Visible = true end else BoxOutline.Visible = false Box.Visible = false HealthBarOutline.Visible = false HealthBar.Visible = false end else BoxOutline.Visible = false Box.Visible = false HealthBarOutline.Visible = false HealthBar.Visible = false end end) end coroutine.wrap(boxesp)() end) Section:NewLabel("Enable") Section:NewButton("Silent Aim ", "ButtonInfo", function() loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://www.paste.tc/raw/crpyt1-396"))() game:GetService("Silent AİM"):SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "Hile açıldı", Text = "The game you are trying to play is not supported with Warlex Hub!", Duration = 5 }) end)