on damage: if attacker is a player: if hit is critical: if {kombo::%attacker%} is not set: set {kombo::%attacker%} to 0 set {pitch::%attacker%} to 0.5 set {pitch::%attacker%} to {pitch::%attacker%} + 0.03 set {kombo::%attacker%} to {kombo::%attacker%} + 1 set {_kombo} to {kombo::%attacker%} play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" with pitch {pitch::%attacker%} to attacker if {kombo::%attacker%} = 1: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>İyisin" to attacker else if {kombo::%attacker%} = 2: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>Çok İyi" to attacker else if {kombo::%attacker%} = 3: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>Mükemmel" to attacker else if {kombo::%attacker%} = 4: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>Efsane!" to attacker else if {kombo::%attacker%} = 5: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>SÜPER!" to attacker else if {kombo::%attacker%} = 6: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>İNANILMAZ!" to attacker else if {kombo::%attacker%} >= 7: send action bar "<##F9F1A3>Kritik Kombosu: <##F9F1A3>%{kombo::%attacker%}% - <##ff9100>DURDURULAMIYOR!" to attacker wait 5 seconds if {kombo::%attacker%} is {_kombo}: delete {kombo::%attacker%} delete {pitch::%attacker%} send action bar "&cKritik Kombosu Bozuldu" to attacker else: if {kombo::%attacker%} is set: delete {kombo::%attacker%} delete {pitch::%attacker%} send action bar "&cKritik Kombosu Bozuldu" to attacker