#Please write the algorithm flow with pseudo-code or any software language which displays all prime numbers having 3 digits and #starting with 5. Please paste the link to the answer shared using Pastebin or any other similar website. Please make sure that #the link will not be expired. #Algorithm Principle #1-Initialize 1 and 2 digit prime numbers #2-Analyze 3-digit numbers based on whether they are divisible by 1 and 2 digit prime numbers Initialize prime_numbers list with value 2 // Generate prime numbers up to 99 For p = 3 to 99 is_prime = True For i = 0 to length of prime_numbers If p % prime_numbers[i] == 0 is_prime = False Break End For If is_prime Add p to prime_numbers End For Initialize three_digit_primes list // Generate three-digit prime numbers starting with 5 For num = 100 to 999 If num > 500 is_prime = True For i = 0 to length of prime_numbers If num % prime_numbers[i] == 0 is_prime = False Break End For If is_prime Add num to three_digit_primes End If End For Display three_digit_primes